Ab Originist Limited
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Examples of the application of the European UNI EN ISO certification system to blockchain



UNI EN ISO 22005 - Certification of the Traceability System in the Food and Feed Chain.


The ABORIGINS certificate is applicable to the entire supply chain or to sections of it, in the most diverse sectors, from animal feed to meat and food. The aim of the standard is to support companies in documenting the history of the product, allowing it to be traced back to its location and origin at any time.
In practice, tracking each production batch along the supply chain, and thus making it traceable, means carrying out a set of operations aimed at collecting the data that originate each time a production stage is completed along the supply chain, wherever it is located.


The voluntary ISO 22005 standard on traceability is also very much in demand as a requirement to prove the origin of products and raw materials used.


In fact, the Standard bases its principles on the ability of an organisation, defined as the Lead Partner, to establish the rules that can guarantee at each stage of the supply chain all those elements of quality, food safety and traceability that are today considered important information for the consumer. The commitment of each actor to respect the above-mentioned requirements is demonstrated by formal agreements that they must individually sign with the lead organisation.


Today, one of the elements considered by the consumer to be among the most relevant and enhancing is certainly the origin of the product. Precisely thanks to people's growing awareness of these aspects of product traceability and safety, there is an increasing number of companies embarking on the path of certifying their supply chain, both for animal and vegetable products and for industrial production where the components are decisive in the specifications required by the market.


Therefore, in order to demonstrate this, the lead organisation entrusts an independent third party with the verification activity along the entire supply chain.


The food supply chain categories most sensitive to such recognition are certainly the food supply chains (e.g. the canning industry (tomato), the production of EVO oil for the vegetable sector and the milk supply chains for the animal sector). But not only that, companies and the market have more and more requirements to meet or demand, from the pharmaceutical, medical, electronic, fashion and quality processing sectors.


Furthermore, it is important to emphasise how certification helps to guarantee consumer safety and protect them against possible food fraud, especially with regard to the origin of the product.



The certification process involves the following steps that AbOriginis carries out through its structure:


  • the request for an offer
  • acceptance of the offer
  • conducting a prevalence audit (optional)
  • the performance of a certification audit (divided into two stages)
  • the management of any deficiencies found
  • the certification resolution
  • maintenance checks on an annual basis.



The design of a traceability system must necessarily define the following aspects:


  • objectives of the traceability system
  • regulations and documents applicable to the traceability system
  • products and ingredients subject to traceability
  • position of each organisation in the food chain, identification of suppliers and customers
  • material flows
  • information to be managed
  • procedures
  • ways of managing the supply chain.